Bristol reaches golden heights of fundraising for Fairtrade Gold
Press Release. 100 local people raised nearly £4000 at the [...]
Press Release. 100 local people raised nearly £4000 at the [...]
The gap between fact and fiction, ethical claim and counter claim in the jewelry profession can be very confusing for the conscientious jewelry customer. In this article, award winning ethical and Fair Trade jewelers Marc Choyt and Greg Valerio bring their pioneering experience and wisdom to the question, 'Does buying recycled gold jewellery make a social and environmental difference to our world?'
Breaking with the convential marketing narrative in jewellery is not easy. Describing himself as a heretical jeweller, Greg Valerio explains why the ethical jewellery movement must shun convention and invest itself into truth telling.
Short thank you for Greg Valerio to all that have made Fairtrade Gold a reality. He received a MBE from HRH Prince Charles for his campaigning work on behalf of artisanal miners in South America and east Africa.
In this video blog Greg Valerio discusses the horrendous practice of slavery and its every present spectre in the jewellery supply chain. Fairtrade Gold and it's verifiable supply chain offers a very positive life affirming way we can all express our commitment to a jewel that is slave free.
In this short interview Josephine Aguti of TIIRA Women's Mining Cooperative in Uganda explains to Greg Valerio the benefits that the new Gold Kacha will bring to her community.
In this video blog Greg Valerio says a huge thank you to all those organisations that are working towards 'mercury-free' ecological Fairtrade Gold in Uganda. One step closer to the dream.
In this second video blog - Greg Valerio, fair trade jeweller explores the lack of information for consumers regarding the carbon footprint of gemstones and jewellery.
Greg Valerio answers questions from Jennifer-Lynn Archuleta on ethical gemstones, the challenges faced by ethical jewellers and the state of ethical claims made by jewellery companies and brands.
In this video blog, Fairtrade Jeweller Greg Valerio introduces the idea of Knowing Your Sources when you go to buy a piece of luxury jewellery.