Hi Everyone, reflecting on the de-funked Kimberley Process.
I have been invited to attend a meeting at the Foreign Office (UK) on Monday to discuss the status of the Kimberly Process.
Issues for discussion:
1) Should the KPs definition of conflict diamond be expanded to include Human Rights?
2)If the KP is not able to address Human Rights issues are there other mechanisms that could address these issues in the diamonds supply chain (i.e. RJC Chain of Custody scheme /OECD guidelines / NAG/BJA plans)
3)Time Permitting
Other industry concerns/views about the KP/System of warranties/consumer confidence etc
Your thoughts as jewellers would be valuable so I can take this into the meeting.
1) Should the KPs definition of conflict diamond be expanded to include Human Rights?
Yes, definitely.. maybe to Incorporate a phrase such as: ‘.. means rough diamonds used by rebel movements or their allies to finance conflict which seriously contributes to the gross violations of internationally accepted human rights namely the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights AND International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights’, however that may be seen to be much to vast, or.. “means rough diamonds used by rebel movements or their allies to finance conflict which shows no regard to internationally accepted humanitarian law”
2) Perhaps the new UN Guidelines on Business and Human Rights by John Ruggie, in particular A/HRC/17/32 : ‘Business and human rights in conflict-affected regions: challenges and options towards State responses’ ? I haven’t read it but could potentially be of some use…
Best of luck at the meeting!
Thanks Clare. lets keep in touch, I am sure this is not the last we will hear on this issue. We need to build pressure to make this happen.
Dear Greg as a Artist first and Designer I really want a Big improvement about this situation,How we can draw and invent New, High, Refined Jewels if Human Rights are not respected?And Way we still cant Use Precious Stones as the Fairtrade Gold ?!
That is some things that all the Jewel industry and Designers must understand and do somethings about it
But if we don’t use anymore precious stones we cant improve the situation, we have to arrive to use Precious Stones like the Fairtrade Gold
To respect Human Rights and really the Environment generate more Democracy and Freedom and this will can come from the source of the Jewel creation also
I know I’m late for your Meeting
Anyway A lot of Love to what are you doing and To you of course !!
[…] Biting the bullet on the mythology of The Kimberley Process. […]